Zenivex® Rebate 2025
Take advantage of significant savings while ensuring effective mosquito control in your community with the all-new Zenivex® Rebate 2025! As a high-efficacy, reduced-risk adulticide that provides no aquatic setbacks and has crop approval, Zenivex® products allow you to spray throughout urban and rural settings. The active ingredient, Etofenprox, is classified by the EPA as reduced risk, making Zenivex® products the ideal choice in adult mosquito control.
When you purchase qualifying amounts of Zenivex® products, you can earn up to 10% cash back or free Zenivex® product through the 2025 Zenivex® Rebate Program.
Zenivex® Products Deliver Proven Performance
- Quick, permanent knockdown of adult mosquitoes
- EPA reduced-risk classification
- Approved for use over agricultural crops
- Favorable environmental profile
- Non-ester pyrethroid
- Low toxicity
Aqua Zenivex™ E20
Aqua Zenivex™ E20 is a reduced-risk, water-dilutable option for effective adult mosquito control.
Zenivex® E20
Zenivex® E20 is ideal for ULV applications, including urban areas, and can be used diluted or undiluted.
Zenivex® E4 RTU
Zenivex® E4 RTU is a ready-to-use mosquito control adulticide that’s approved for ground and aerial applications.
The 2025 Rebate is valid for qualifying purchases made between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2025.
To ensure eligibility, submissions must be postmarked by January 31, 2026. Don’t miss out!
One rebate submission per customer. Offer cannot be combined with other incentive programs. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
Questions? Call 800-248-7763.
Follow these 3 steps:
1. Calculate Your Potential Return
- 5% = $10,000-$24,999
- 6% = $25,000-$39,999
- 7% = $40,000-$54,999
- 8% = $55,000-$79,999
- 9% = $80,000-$99,999
- 10% = $100,000+
Minimum required amount spent: $10,000
Rebate Calculator Config
2. If you are new to the Zenivex® Rebate Program, please download and complete a W-9 form.
3. Get cash back for controlling mosquitoes by filling out this form. Remember to attach copies of your invoices. Check back for the downloadable 2025 Rebate Form, coming soon.
Always read and follow label directions. Zenivex and Aqua Zenivex are trademarks of Wellmark International. ©2025 Wellmark International. Central Life Sciences with design is a registered trademark of Central Garden & Pet Company. ©2025 Wellmark International