Altosid® Liquid SR-5
A liquid larvicide is an effective and flexible formulation for any mosquito-control program. Providing exceptional control, Altosid® SR-5 Liquid Larvicide Mosquito Growth Regulator prevents the emergence of adult mosquitoes, including those which may transmit vector-borne diseases like West Nile virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya and dengue.
While offering superior control in a wide range of habitats, such as temporary or floodwater breeding areas and irrigated cropland, the insect growth regulator (IGR) kills mosquito pupae before they can emerge into breeding, biting adults. Altosid® SR-5 Liquid Larvicide Mosquito Growth Regulator is approved for aerial and ground ULV applications, providing residual control of mosquito larvae.
- Labor savings with extended residual
- Can be used on site to make Altosand® formulations
- Consistent results in all population densities
- The active ingredient US produced (S)-methoprene