Do More with Less: Extended Residual Mosquito Control

Now more than ever, Mosquito Abatement Districts and Public Health Officials need products that offer extended residual to effectively control mosquitoes with fewer applications. Mosquito populations often pose a threat to public health with the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. While limiting the spread of vector-borne diseases is increasingly crucial at this time, social distancing guidelines and reduced staffing could make it more difficult.

For more than 50 years, Central Life Sciences has developed solutions to control mosquitoes in a variety of mosquito habitats that mosquito professionals encounter. That legacy of innovation has grown by introducing multiple formulations with extended release technology that give professionals the flexibility needed to adapt to these ever-changing times. Built to deliver confident mosquito management, these products offer reliable control to aid situations when reduced manpower is required.

Central Life Sciences offers a range of solutions offering extended residual control including granular insect growth regulators, mosquito control briquets of different shapes and sizes and dual-active mosquito control products. The products all offer extended residual control of mosquitoes. Products are available for nearly any application, including hard-to-treat areas and mosquito pre-treatment before the wet season.

Central Life Sciences offers the following solutions for extended residual mosquito control:

Central Life Sciences understands the vital role that mosquito abatement professionals play in protecting the public health. To learn more about the benefits of these extended residual mosquito control solutions, contact a Central Life Sciences rep in your region.